Your guide to Pandasaurus at SPIEL 2023
Pandasaurus is excited to be attending Essen SPIEL this year! If you're interested in getting as much as you can out of our presence there, here's a guide breaking it down.
Fair hours
- Thursday, October 5 through Saturday, October 7: 10am to 7pm
- Sunday, October 8: 10am to 6pm
Booth location: Hall 2, #2C-118
A full interactive map can be found on the SPIEL website, but we'll also be providing screenshots for easy reference. Below is a map of the fair ground. The closest entrance to Hall 2 is the Entrance South (located in yellow).
Once you get in the hall we will have a huge booth in the middle! Below is a map and our booth is outlined in orange.
Demoed games
The following games will be available at our booth to demo:
- The Fox Experiment
- Unrest
- Emerge
- Beacon Patrol
- Aurum
Games and promos for sale
The following games will be available for sale at our booth:
- The Fox Experiment: €60
- Unrest: €15
- Emerge: €50
- Beacon Patrol: €20
- Aurum: €15
- Nacho Pile: €15
- Wildstyle: €40
- Brew: €30
- That Time You Killed Me: €50
- Dinosaur World: €40
- Dinosaur Island: €40
- Dinosaur Island: Rawr n Write: €30
- Machi Koro 5th Anniversary: €30
- Machi Koro 5th Anniversary expansions: €30
- Machi Koro 2: €30
The following promos will be available for sale and range from €5 to €8:
- Emerge promo
- Beacon Patrol promo
- Skate Summer promo
- Wildstyle promo
- The Wolves promo
- Machi Koro 2 prom
- Brew promo
- That Time You Killed Me promo
- Dinosaur Island Dice Tower promo
- Dinosaur Island mascot promo
- Dinosaur World recruiter promo
Preorder for convention pick-up
Reserve your games when you preorder for convention pick-up! Place the order on our website and pick it up at our booth.
Games must be picked up at Booth 2C-118 during normal hall hours from Thursday through Saturday. Any orders not picked up by Sunday may be refunded and sold at the fair. An order number and the first and last name on the order is required to pick up your games.
Signing with Beacon Patrol designer, Torben Ratzlaff
On Friday at our booth from 1-2pm, Beacon Patrol designer and artist, Torben Ratzlaff, will be signing copies of the game! Every game purchased during this 1 hour period will come with a free pack of expansion tiles* (while supplies last)!
Thumbs up our games on the SPIEL preview list!
Please give our games a thumbs up on the SPIEL '23 preview list so we can see which games you're most excited for!
That's all for now! We're super excited to see everyone at Essen in a couple of weeks. Be sure to stop by and tag us on social media if you play or buy any games!