Announcing KADO!

Announcing KADO!

Written by Rainalyn Huang

It's the thought that counts... or not!

2-4 players | 15 min | Ages 8+
Designed by Antoine Bauza
Art by Manu Gorobeï
Releasing August 2025
MSRP $14.95 - Preorder Now!

Game overview

KADO is a game of giving, receiving, and storing gifts! Over the course of the game each player will work towards building a grid of 12 cards organized into 3 rows and 4 columns. Points are scored according to the value, gift type, and ribbon color of each card.

Turn structure

1. Deal Cards
The active player is called the gifter; they'll draw a card from the deck and secretly look at it, then hand it to any player who doesn't already have a card face down (including themselves). Repeat until each player has 1 card in front.
2. Challenge the Gifter
Players will take turns choosing whether or not to challenge the gifter. When you declare a challenge you must attempt to guess the card the gifter kept for themselves--announce the type of gift and color of the ribbon.
If the gifter's card matches either criterion then the challenge is successful. You and the gifted must both reveal and swap your cards! After a successful challenge this step ends immediately; otherwise the next player can challenge the gifter.
3. Organize Your Gifts
It's time to place your card into your grid! You must adhere to the 3x4 grid, and after the first card each one placed after must be orthogonally adjacent to another card.

Game end and scoring

The game ends after 12 rounds, which is when each player has completely built their grid. Score your grid as follows:
  • For each LINE: choose a type of gift and score the combined values of all of the cards of this type.
  • For each COLUMN: if all 3 cards have the same color ribbon, count the points of the highest-value card.
The player with the most points wins!

All preorders on our website will come with a free set of promo cards!
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