As the seasons pass, pixies emerge...
Step into this whimsical world where players compete to strategically place colorful pixie cards in their playing area! Each card, adorned with numbers, colors, and symbols, must be thoughtfully placed to maximize points and create harmonious patterns. This clever card game will leave you wanting to play more!
30 Minutes
2-5 Players
Age group
100K+ Happy customers
Solid fun and great artwork!
Pixies by Pandasaurus Games is a whimsical, family-friendly game that combines luck and strategy. With beautiful artwork and magical themes, it’s a delight for both kids and adults. Gameplay is simple to learn but engaging enough to keep everyone entertained. Perfect for fans of fantasy and light-hearted fun!
Great small format card game. Simple to learn but enough depth to keep the puzzle interesting with each play. Good for families and gamers alike.
Great game. Quick to the table and delightful art. If you enjoy Sea, Salt and Paper, give this a look.
Why people love Pixies
Pixies is easy to learn yet offers deep strategic decisions. With three rounds of play and various card interactions, no two games are the same. -
Throw it in your bag when you're on the go and play it whenever! -
Uses the ColorADD system, ensuring that colorblind players can easily enjoy the game.
Our Customers Say...
Solid fun and great artwork!
Pixies by Pandasaurus Games is a whimsical, family-friendly game that combines luck and strategy. With beautiful artwork and magical themes, it’s a delight for both kids and adults. Gameplay is simple to learn but engaging enough to keep everyone entertained. Perfect for fans of fantasy and light-hearted fun!
Great small format card game. Simple to learn but enough depth to keep the puzzle interesting with each play. Good for families and gamers alike.
Great game. Quick to the table and delightful art. If you enjoy Sea, Salt and Paper, give this a look.
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